Act 19:32 Inside, the people were all shouting, some one thing and some another. Everything was in confusion. In fact, most of them didn't even know why they were there.
The Ephesians had their own God, Artemis. But when Jesus was introduced to them, some believed but some kept their faith. Why? Because of practicality. Not because they really understood what Jesus really did, but because they will lose their BUSINESS. They were SELFISH. And with this, two gods led people to confusion.
SELFISHNESS => Too many gods => Confusion => RIOT
When we are selfish, we create another god. It can be any of the following: ourselves, money, talent, career, others. And when we create another god, we also create confusion not just to the people around us, but to ourselves. And confusion is not from God. Our God will never cause confusion. He is the God who makes everything clear. He is the God that is SURE.
When we are sure of who our God is, everything else will be clear.
Jesus is the God of clarity. He brings clarity to everything; and when we allow Him to be our ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, everything else will be clear for us as well.COMMAND
- Say NO to selfishness. Life was not given to revolve around YOU. It is not about YOU all the time. Don't make a god out of yourself.
- Don't have OTHER GODS. Don't put anything else or anyone else above God. Don't form any other God that Himself.
- Don't allow confusion in your life. Be set free! Have clarity in everything you do, in every intention.
Being selfish is creating another god, and this will cause confusion in your life. You would not know who to follow and what you really should be doing. When there is confusion, something is wrong.APPLICATION
- Say NO to selfishness. Do not be selfish and desire more of God's will than yours.
- Do not make too many gods out of my desires, money, career, friends, relationships, human love. Nothing else will be greater than God and His love.
- Do not lead anyone to confusion, be clear everything out in my life. SAY NO TO CONFUSION.
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